発売:2014-02-20 11:32:18
There are pictures on the shelf all reminders that you're by yourself
and you'd blow out all the candles if you thought you had the breath,
but the fifty years cigarettes are taking their effect.
once you would have made a wish
now you know that wishes don't come true
cos if you'd had your wish you would have left with all your friends.
Instead you talk to pictures and write letters you won't send,
Saying"when will it all end"?
Don't break your heart over it
Don't break your heart
Save all your tears, Keep your head clear
You're almost twenty one again
Thought you'd never make it, didn't want to anyway,
drove your mother crazy telling her it hight and day
she'd slt you at the table make your cup of tea,
flicking through the paper absentmindedly,
saying only the good die young.