広瀬香美 Ave Maria 歌詞



作曲:Franz Schubert

発売:2009-11-21 15:42:00

Ave Maria! Maiden mild
Ah, listen a maiden's prayer;
For Thou canst hear amid the wild,
'Tis Thou, 'tis Thou canst save amind despair.

Ave Maria! Undefil'd"
The finty couch whereon we're sleeping
Sall seen with down of eoder pil'd,
If Thou above sweet watch art keeping.
The murky cavem's air so heavy
Shall breathe of balm, if Thou hast smil'd,
O Maiden, hear a maiden pleading,
O Mother,hears a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!

We slumber safely till the morrow.
Tho' e'en by men outcast, revil'd:
O Maiden, hear a maiden pleading,
O Mother,hears a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria! Maiden mild



Ave Mariaの収録CD,楽譜,DVD