pre-school Mother! 歌詞




発売:2008-06-02 16:08:03

Mother you have been so great you are so so great
I know you are always going to be
You never quit being mother you never give up being
Sometimes you get sick of being considered as mother but
Always behave with motherhood to me, to my friends
Even make much of nature, Thank God!
You tell me to try you tell me to make efforts to master the life
You tell me to reach for my rights
The things on your shoulders are somehow different from
The mountains I am facing
Even though I learn from you, though I take everything of you
I won't be standing where you are!
Sing for me now, song of mother
Sing for me now, only for me
Mother you are the sun, you are the sky high
You are the air to me, you are my ocean
You are the air when I want to breathe
You are the air that I want to sing
Ain't this a beautiful song?


