pre-school laugh and laugh your life away 歌詞




発売:2008-06-02 16:51:01

born the spider's web away
smoke the mosquitoes out
leave the mother on a nest
cut some scallion in the garden
grab the noodles with the chopsticks
get into the sunshade
take a photo with the hoarding
let love last for 60 years
extend your rod you don't use
wind the wall clock up again
it's been 20 past 5 for years
say hi to the next door
get the phone straight away
boil the water for your fish
grind sesame seeds now
take a bath before the dark
throw pebbles at wind dogs
put a stamp on the postcard
laugh and laugh your life away
don't you cut the end of brunch, oh year
a loquat tree

