発売:2012-09-13 16:15:28
深夜のパレード クロームの馬をおり
朽ちた劇場の 冷めたステージの上・・・
ボレロを舞い バラを散らせ
Spanish flower
奴等の夜 彩るのさ
Say to you
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
運命のLondon town
時が逃げて行く 手の上を零れ落ちて・・・
夢を売る街で ギミックを捨てろ、今
急げ、Midnight train
長い夜の 果てまで
永遠に続く 夢の日々を
Say to you
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
凍て付いたLondon town
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
凍て付いたLondon town
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
Dear soho lovers! Can you see it?
運命のLondon town