歌:Last Alliance
発売:2012-01-27 11:17:24
"Tell me God, can I go back to the good old days?"
"No, you can't. That's why it is able to stay as shinning days."
"Then why we want to see again and again how we were used to be?"
"Cause we are missing sometimes those days where we were used to be."
No one believe these sweet days are everlasting
No one wish the eternity after we are dying
Eventually, we will find the new Atlanta
after we have been drifting in the sea of the Time space
"Talk to me God, can I find any reason I'm here in every single days?"
"Yes, you are the one that is the"reason for being""
"Is it really meaning why I am exist in this world?"
"Yes, every single person has"Raison d'etre"in the world"
The razor beam, the name of the desire cut the clear air
and it is even changed my shadow fall upon the ground
I almost found a beautiful oasis after I walked a long way round in the time trend
My dear contrail, blow out my melancholy which has been drawing in the sky
and keep running with the glory