midnight Pumpkin JUICY-GO-ROUND 歌詞

歌:midnight Pumpkin



発売:2010-07-22 09:17:50

Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
Run faster than usual speed
Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
You'll be able to take the first prize!

It look like the amusement park
I have not tried to go there up to now
However, it is not interesting at all
even if there are a lot of dreams

I think that should begin to run
There might be achievement feel there
Let's dance with me and get drunk
You'll get excited for the first time

Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
Run faster than usual speed
Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
You'll be able to take the first prize!

Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
Run faster than usual speed
Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
You'll be able to take the first prize!
Go round! Go round! The merry-go-round
Run faster than usual speed
Go round! Go round! "JUICY-GO_ROUND"
You'll be able to take the first prize!


midnight Pumpkin人気歌詞