発売:2009-01-28 22:18:39
My Dear rose. You are all of me in this world.
In now, the past, and future, I sing for you.
奈落の底 地を這う声 闇より暗い働哭のアカペラ
心満たす 天に降る声 薔薇より赤い情熱のアリア
I never know pleasure to live.
Why was I born such ugly?
(Why?)(You wish?)(Your mind?)
一度だけ愛されてみたい この醜い仮面の下までも
You must choose! Come with me!
Nobody can stop me!
I never know pleasure to live.
Why was I born such ugly?
(Why?)(You wish?)(Your mind?)
灯火だけ熱く胸焦す 愛の終わり忘れはしないから
さあ行くがいい ずっと君が光に包まれる様に...
If you will forget.
But even so I will remember forever and ever.
My Dear rose. You are all of me in this world.
In now, this past, and the future I sing of you.