PINKLOOP A Caprice 歌詞




発売:2010-12-16 23:08:18

Do not trust anyone
I can't stand it anymore
You would only slow me down
Now just stay away

You have no sense of responsibility
And that is right
Out of the blue
It's like disaster
Hardly have a chance to escape
Where we head to?
No one's going to do anything for you
Can you save yourself?

Have you ever put yourself into my shoes?
There is only so much we can do it's over

Do not trust anyone
I can't stand it anymore
You would only slow me down
Just stay away right now

Have you ever put yourself into my shoes?
There is only so much we can do it's over
I don't see how you dare to do it
Do not pretend to be the perfect man



A Capriceの収録CD,楽譜,DVD