発売:2012-04-12 18:36:18
君と見上げてた空 幾万の光る星 まるで僕らの明日のように 流れては消えていった
寄せては返す波 まるで僕らの夢のように 届きそうで届かない でも君といる dance in the world
Alone I could not believe, but because you were here.
I believed again in the shining sun.
Let's always share sadness and happiness.
If everyone could do this together, dance in the world
始まり 繋がり そう、永久を誓い
昨日より今日のが君とも近い 目に見えないものの方がずっと輝いてるこの世界
言葉に出来ないこの思いも 歌に乗せきれぬこの心も あなたを強く抱きしめたのも
この愛しさ伝える術はno more
Alone I could not believe, but because you were here.
I believed again in the shining sun.
Let's always share sadness and happiness.
If everyone could do this together, dance in the world
争いの雨も 悲しい風も 大好きな君が流した涙も 酷すぎるウソも
心さえぎる壁も 体さえぎる心も
全てを火種に君と踊るんだ in the world
Dance in the world
Alone I could not believe, but because you were here.
I believed again in the shining sun.
Let's always share sadness and happiness.
If everyone could do this together, dance in the world