arvin homa aya Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko 歌詞

arvin homa ayaの「Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko」歌詞ページ。「Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko」は、作詞:Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko、作曲:Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko。

Girls Are Just Girls feat.akiko 歌詞

歌:arvin homa aya

作詞:arvin homa aya/akiko

作曲:JIN/arvin homa aya

発売:2008-09-18 16:12:17

Girls are just girls, who's there to blame?
Girls will be girls, we'll never change
Guys try to catch up with us
(Sorry if we're just too fast)
Girls are just girls, we have no shame
Girls will be girls, we love to play
We'll keep on living true to our hearts

I just hate when I chip my polished nails
And I screams waking up with skin so pate
I'm paying for clothes that I will probably wear just two times
Feeling blue when I have a bad hair day
Feeling like having sweets than a sweet date
There are so many things that I need to be surrounded with

(I love to talk with friends all through the night)
Goofing around bening just ourselves with no hesitation
(I love to dance to music till the dawn)
No one to get in our way, Yeah Yeah Yeah

Girls are just girls, who's there to blame?
Girls will be girls, we'll never change
Guys try to catch up with us
(Sorry if we're just too fast)
Girls are just girls, we have no shame
Girls will be girls, we love to play
We'll keep on living true to our hearts

Girls are just girls, who's there to blame?
Girls will be girls, we'll never change
Guys try to catch up with us
(Sorry if we're just too fast)
Girls are just girls, we have no shame
Girls will be girls, we love to play
We'll keep on living true to our hearts

There are times when people don't understand our ways
We're a little complicated
All that we want is a bit of love and
All that we need is a little courage
We're standing on our own
Two feet strong and steady

Girls are just girls, who's there to blame?
Girls will be girls, we'll never change
Guys try to catch up with us
(Sorry if we're just too fast)
Girls are just girls, we have no shame
Girls will be girls, we love to play
We'll keep on living true to our hearts
Girls are just girls, who's there to blame?
Girls will be girls, we'll never change
Guys try to catch up with us
(Sorry if we're just too fast)
Girls are just girls, we have no shame
Girls will be girls, we love to play
We'll keep on living true to our hearts



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