Savage Garden violet 歌詞

Savage Gardenの「violet」歌詞ページ。「violet」は、作詞:violet、作曲:violet。

violet 歌詞

歌:Savage Garden

作詞:Darren Hayes/Daniel Jones

作曲:Darren Hayes/Daniel Jones

発売:2009-01-29 15:16:45

If there's a way that you could be everything you want to be,
Would you complain that it came too easy?
Just like the games with you and me
A resolution hard to see,
But that's O.K. 'cause I don't see things that are plain to see
I've got a dream to take you over
Exploding like a supernova
I'm gonna crash into your world
And that's no lie
You want to give ecstasy delivered with cartainty
But you're afraid that the pleasure won't be needed
In a way, we're the same two people looking out to sea
For a wave that would carry all our fantasies
If there's a way to infiltrate you
Sway your mind and complicate you
I'm gonna crash into your would
And that's no lie
Let your body move into the doorway
To the disco inside your head (Violet)
Wear a color that you want to cling to
The color inside your head (Violet)
Contemplate jealousy intermixed with urgency
A million things take a damned good shot at you and me
If there's a way to infiltrate you
Sway your mind and complicate you
I'm gonna crash into your world
And that's no lie
Let your body move into the doorway
To the disco inside your head (Violet)
Wear a color that you want to cling to
The color inside your head (Violet)
I'm gonna take you
I'll do my best to break you
I'm gonna take you higher
And that's no lie
Common sense is a game many people don't like to play
But give it in and the moment takes you either way
I've got a dream to take you over
Exploding like a supernova
I'm gonna crash into your world
And that's no lie
Let your body move into the doorway
To the disco inside your head (Violet)
Wear a color that you want to cling to
The color inside your head (Violet)
If there's a way that you could be everything you want to be
Would you complain that it came too easy?
In a way, we're the same two people looking out to sea
For a wave that would carry all our fantasies



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