Jr.MONSTER Take your time 歌詞


作詞:江島 正寿


発売:2023-02-13 11:13:39

Everyone dreams of doing what they want until the day they die.
Is your dream getting close to reality?
There are chances around you everywhere
You choose if you can find it and get it.

Those not trying can't even realize they are unhappy.
The world doesn't so easily give you credit for your efforts. Results are everything!

Now is the time to look back at yourself.
If there's something you regret not doing, why don't you go over it once again?
Mow is the time to look back at yourself.

Those not trying can't even realize they are unhappy.
The world doesn't so easily give you credit for your efforts. Results are everything!

There are many special things in the way you should proceed.
Oh! There are times you have to move on. But it's not so bad to step and look ahead.

There are many special things in the way you should proceed.
Oh! There are times you have to move on. But it's not so bad to step and look ahead.

Bat do hurry a little. The fast flow of time won't wait for you. all right?
