BLOCKHEAD Across the rainbow 歌詞




発売:2023-03-21 18:21:18

A rainbow passed in front of me.
It was four o'clock morning.
A stone pavement was wet.
A leaf was sweating keep the foot in sight.
Slowly. Slowly.
Fog clears up. It's slowly.
It melts, coat of snow.
Cloud goes off.
It's slowly the sky of light blue.
Voice of a bird is heard.
Wooden voice. voice of grass.
Everything is clear. Please stay here just as it is.
The sun earlier than everyone makes the shadow.
Sunlight was dazzling, and I closed my eyes.
An afterimage remained on a mind.
Would you mind my asking?
Please be quiet.
It isn't seen any more.
I don't hear any more.
Please say nothing.
Please don't disturb me.
