Who the Bitch DICE 歌詞

歌:Who the Bitch



発売:2023-01-30 01:15:43

Carryings-on バラ色な日々も
Carryings-on ついに Lonely at night.
Carryings-on ループする妄想
Carryings-on 止まれ Long tonight.
Forever Forever... Baby!

成せば成るさ Fuckin' DICE!
猿も木から Slow down! Baby!
笑う門に Lucky DICE!
願う脳は Sleep! Wait! Baby!
さらば ピンチなDays

Tell me why? 坂道Rolling mind
Tell me why? Why U Say good-bye
Tell me why? 崖っぷちでギリなMind
Tell me why? Why U Say good-bye
Forever Forever... Baby!

成せば成るさ Fuckin' DICE!
猿も木から Slow down! Baby!
笑う門に Lucky DICE!
願う脳は Sleep! Wait! Baby!
さらば ピンチなDays

Don't tell me a lie.
Catch my happy feeling.
Rainy day, Sunny day, Every day, Baby!!

成せば成るさ Fuckin' DICE!
猿も木から Slow down! Baby!
笑う門に Lucky DICE!
願う脳は Sleep! Wait! Baby!
さらば ピンチなDays


Who the Bitch人気歌詞