発売:2023-03-20 11:26:41
If you wake me up in the moonlight
I'll spook you like it's Halloween
But if it's'bout business it's different
Ams open you can step right in
Crazy Dog, Crazy Dog
Crazy Dog, Everybody tells me so
I look for the ultimate high, yeah I'm crazy allright
I was born into the world with an ego
I've never believed in anything but myself
I've never kissed anybodys ass
I make and break all my own ruces
Crazy Dog, Crazy Dog
Crazy Dog, Everybody tells me so
I live for the thrills and excitement
And go for the limit each time
I lust for the fear of the fast life I'm crazy allright
Crazy Dog, Crazy Dog
Crazy Dog, Everybody tells me so
I don't give a damn who puts me down
I know they ain't got room to talk
They can't pass judgement on me, coz they're crazy dogs at heart
Crazy Dog, Crazy Dog
Crazy Dog, Everybody tells me so・・・