Rockstar Steady A Boy Like Her 歌詞

Rockstar Steadyの「A Boy Like Her」歌詞ページ。「A Boy Like Her」は、作詞:A Boy Like Her、作曲:A Boy Like Her。

A Boy Like Her 歌詞

歌:Rockstar Steady

作詞:Samuel Waermo/Sebastian Thott/Didrik Thott

作曲:Samuel Waermo/Sebastian Thott/Didrik Thott

発売:2023-01-30 00:32:37

They never do the dishes
They're always such a flirt
They never make us dinner
Why can't they be like you girl

Cuz you just never let me down
You listen, you're always by my side
What if you changed gender for a day
Everything would be so easy

If I had a boy like her, o-oh
If I had a boy like her, o-oh
She doesn't leave a six-pack in the fridge
She's doesn't act like a total stupid kid
if I had a boy, If I had a boy like her

They never do the laundry
They make a bad excuse
Always hanging by the TV
Never to any bloody use

But with you I'm having so much fun
You never mess up or hit and run
What if you changed gender for a day
Everything would be so easy

If I had a boy like her, o-oh
If I had a boy like her, o-oh
She doesn't leave a six-pack in the fridge
She's doesn't act like a total stupid kid
if I had a boy, If I had a boy like her

I would never have to fight
I would never let you out of my sight
It would always feel so damn right

But with you I'm having so much fun
You never mess up or hit and run
What if you changed gender for a day
Everything would be so easy

If I had a boy like her, o-oh
She doesn't leave a six-pack in the fridge
She's doesn't act like a total stupid kid

If I had a boy like her, o-oh
If I had a boy like her, o-oh
She doesn't leave a six-pack in the fridge
She's doesn't act like a total stupid kid
if I had a boy, If I had a boy like her

She doesn't leave a six-pack in the fridge
She's doesn't act like a total stupid kid
if I had a boy, If I had a boy like her



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