GARNiDELiA ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver. 歌詞

GARNiDELiAの「ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver.」歌詞ページ。「ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver.」は、作詞:ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver.、作曲:ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver.。

ambiguous[PROGRESS]English ver. 歌詞


作詞:MEG ROCK・訳詞:Chihiro Sings


発売:2025-03-03 00:55:07

What is waiting for you, for me
Beyond the fate that's been cut off from the world

I was just trying too hard, yes
In a very very small world, already full of blisters
Walking on a runway I thought I was hiding it so good
What is lying behind the smiles

But you always knew who I was
You can always see right through me
I have never felt this way before
I don't know what to do

No one ever does it better than you do, it's true
I don't know why, I cannot lie
But you really light my heart on f ire
What is waiting for me, for you
Beyond the destined fate we hold on to
I know a new horizon opens up for us tonight

I was trying to f ind all over
With my hands so numb and frozen
A world where it's bright and warm
I have always known the answer is right inside the teacup
Ref lecting back at my face

I could burn myself easily
Bitter and sweet all at the same time
I will devour my own f lavor, that is who I am

I remember when you taught me on that very day
I don't know why, I cannot lie
But there was something running down my face, and I
Know that we all have our reasons
When they cross over each other again
You'll see a new horizon open up before your eyes

All I really ask for in this world
Is to love precious moments here
I don't know if I'm asking too much, but I can believe
That there is hope, a tiny hope but still I know you are here
Now standing right by my side

No one ever does it better than you do, it's true
I don't know why, I cannot lie
But you really light my heart on fire
What is waiting for you, for me
Beyond the destined fate we hold on to
I know a new horizon lies ahead for you and me

I remember 'cause you taught me even on this day
I don't know why, I cannot lie
But there was something running down my face, and I
Know that we all have our reasons
When they cross over each other again
You'll see a new horizon open up before your eyes

There is just one
One and only dream



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