SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer Because we are tiny in this world 歌詞

SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimerの「Because we are tiny in this world」歌詞ページ。「Because we are tiny in this world」は、作詞:Because we are tiny in this world、作曲:Because we are tiny in this world。

Because we are tiny in this world 歌詞


作詞:Benjamin Anderson/mpi


発売:2014-07-30 15:13:03

You must take a risk just on my side
Now we are here to search the light
As soon as moon light cut the night
Here you go, searching for your way
Show me your confidence
Holding my hands
Moving my heart
Wrapped around me tight

Every little things with you
All I remember, you're blue

Come right back
Take a chance and fly to the fight
We will all say hi to the world
We have so much war in this world
Let's move on
You will save me from the despair
I will save you dear
So much strife we can not ignore
Because we are tiny in this world

So I say
Coming back or Give it up for your life
Coming back or Give it up for your love
Coming back or Give it up for your time
Coming back or Give it up for your chance
...For earth

You are shy with me for my love you hide so
Shut them down with all your might
The girl you love she waits for you
In the heat you see your goal
You are our self defense
Calming my fears
Catching my tears
Keep me in your sight

Every little things with you
All I remember, you're blue

Come right back
Take a chance and fly to the fight
I will wait for you in the fire
Die it only makes you stronger sill
Let's move on
You will save me from the despair
I will save you dear
So much strife we can not ignore
Because we are tiny in this world

So I say
Coming back or Give it up for your life
Coming back or Give it up for your love
Coming back or Give it up for your time
Coming back or Give it up for your chance
...For earth

Would you die for me and our love?
We must show the earth we care
It's a world of hurt yeah I know
Let's move on
You will save me from the despair
I will save you dear
So much strife we can not ignore
Because we are tiny in this world

Come right back
Take a chance and fly to the fight
We will all say hi to the world
We have so much war in this world
Let's move on
You will save me from the despair
I will save you dear
So much strife we can not ignore
Because we are tiny in this world

So I say
Coming back or Give it up for your life
Coming back or Give it up for your love
Coming back or Give it up for your time
Coming back or Give it up for your chance
...For earth



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