東山奈央 de messiah 歌詞

東山奈央の「de messiah」歌詞ページ。「de messiah」は、作詞:de messiah、作曲:de messiah。

de messiah 歌詞




発売:2023-02-01 11:27:03

Travel through a thousand years, swim through the waves
Find my body floating in time and space
From a land so wild and so desolate
One more inch, I'll be reaching the moon's gate
In and out, I breathe as time passes by
Here today comes the sentence of my life
What's the burning question you are seeking?
What exactly do you still want from me?

Done, done…
Look how tiny you are
Look how fragile you are
Look how helpless you are
I can see what you are
Why don't you take my hand, take my helping hand?
I must be the hero
All eyes on me, strong and grand
I must be the greater
I must be the savior
All eyes on me, here and now
They say I'm their messiah

All of the hopes and dreams are in this broken tambourine
Make the silent tambourine sing like how it used to be
Come witness the birth of the greatest loneliness
In this hollow stillness, now tell me what will you choose?

Dying, dying, dying or living?
Dying, dying, dying or living?

How tiny you are
How fragile you are
How helpless you are
That's all that you are

Am I right or wrong?
Enough, I'll be gone
I'm sick of getting chosen by the world

All the attention's on me
Now I'm trapped in your sin
Will somebody save me?
I beg you to hear my plea

Our hopes and dreams are in this broken tambourine
Make the silent tambourine sing like how it used to be
Come witness the birth of the greatest loneliness
In this hollow stillness, bury the decayed forgiveness

Our hopes and dreams are in this broken tambourine
Make the silent tambourine sing like how it used to be
Come witness the birth of the greatest loneliness
In this hollow stillness, right now I need to choose
Dying, dying, dying or living?
Dying, dying, dying or living?
Keep trying, trying, trying or leaving?
Trying, trying, trying or leaving you?

How weak and helpless you are
Yet you have come so far
Look into the broken glass
Countless bleeding wounds and scars

Crawling in the mud
Head-to-toe, you're black and blue
Still once in a while I wish
Someday I could be just like you

Can you tell me if I'm true?
Can you tell me what is true?
Do you believe in the truth?
See how you're acting like a fool
What am I living for?

I want to choose dying...
I'm a liar



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